OSC provides Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs) for myriad marine industries including: seismic exploration, pile driving, drilling, Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD), scientific research, etc. Our trained, qualified, and experienced MMOs assist in reducing impact of operations on the marine environment without breaching environmental protocols and regulations to ensure that marine industrial operations are compliant with mitigation guidelines.
OSC provides both Passive Acoustic Monitoring Operators and equipment for real-time mitigation during industrial activities. All OSC PAM Operators hold the full complement of offshore training certifications and medicals for work worldwide, and all OSC’s top of the range PAM systems are able to meet requirements set out in all industry guidelines worldwide.
OSC supplies high-performance pingers with an output that meets regulation (EC) 812/2004. If there are any specific mitigation requirements stated in licences/permits or by government authorities, we can calculate the optimal number of pingers. OSC also supplies what is arguably the best seal scarer available, which is easy to install and operate.
Predictive underwater noise/sound sound-propagation modelling has become an important tool used by clients and regulators during planning of marine operations. OSC uses proprietary modelling software and algorithms to model noise/sound numerically for a number of anthropogenic sources.
OSC provides a range of off-the-shelf and/or tailor-made real-time underwater ambient/background noise measurement and monitoring systems for recording and characterising underwater noise and telemetering it real-time, verifying received noise levels in mitigation zones, quantifying ambient or background noise and recording and assessing marine mammal behaviour.
OSC staff are trained and qualified European Seabirds At Sea (ESAS) Observers and can provide a broad range of services for marine industry and scientific research on-shore, near-shore, and offshore operations including distribution and abundance investigations, decommissioning, nesting, and more.
These regulator-approved, static, autonomous dolphin/porpoise echolocation click detectors have been a proven technology for monitoring animal activity for over twenty years. Compared to other products on the market, they are relatively low-cost, robust, and have a proven track record for producing pioneering result. OSC’s custom-designed acoustic-release deployment and mooring configurations have secured a 97-100% recovery rate across hundreds of deployments for multiple clients.
Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) are tethered, unmanned, submersible devices used for a wide range of activities, including underwater General Visual Inspection (GVI) of offshore structures,
Since 2004, OSC has been performing desk-based literature reviews for industry, and a substantial proportion of the company’s income is based on performing this service for these sectors, which include seismic, drilling, decommissioning, defence, dredging, windfarms, pipeline and cable laying, hydrographic, civil engineering, government, aquaculture, etc.
OSC has PhD-qualified staff experienced in survey design and statistical analysis. Common survey types include distance sampling on visual line-transect surveys and Before After Control Impact (BACI) using C-PODs.
OSC Marine Mammal Mitigation Plans (MMMPs) for any aspect of marine industrial activities encompassed within these sectors. MMMPs are comprehensive documents listing each and every aspect of the marine mammal monitoring programme, such as mitigation measures, observers, methodology, acoustic monitoring plan, and even aerial surveys.
OSC comprises a multi-disciplinary team of highly qualified and industry-experienced marine scientists that offer advice and guidance on a range of topics associated with marine mammal mitigation and underwater noise. This can be achieved at high speed – by phone or email, or through pre-arranged, pre-project planning, and production of desktop studies, literature reviews, reports and advice documents.
Since incorporation in 2004, OSC has amassed considerable experience working with regulators, especially in the UK, Germany, The Netherlands, and New Zealand. OSC offers support to clients seeking environmental permit approval, or operating currently under permit. We undertake regulator permit liaison throughout the permit application, determination and project execution process.
OSC undertakes Independent Assurance Reviews (IARs) for industry. The purpose of an IAR is to assess if the client has used appropriate techniques, tools, rule sets, data, and assumptions, to develop robust and unbiased arguments when deciding the outcome of industrial activities, such as the fate of drill cuttings piles.
There is increasing need for MMOs and PAM Operators to undertake baseline-monitoring surveys prior to industrial activities, such as seismic surveys and windfarm construction. OSC analysists have experience designing, implementing, and analysing distance-sampling surveys for marine mammals.
Presence of Marine Renewable Energy Devices (MREDs), such as wind or tidal turbines, poses potential risks of collision between turbine blades/rotors and wildlife, including birds,
With increasing development and construction in the marine environment, there is a growing need to understand potential impacts on marine mammals both individually and cumulatively. OSC can assess this using the interim Population Consequences of Disturbance (iPCoD) modelling framework. This allows investigation of potential behavioural and physical impacts of noise from construction on five species of marine mammal (harbour porpoise, bottlenose dolphin, minke whale, grey and common seal).
Scientists at OSC have extensive experience analysing data and publishing in peer-reviewed journals. Topics range from Rigs-to-Reefs and decommissioning, marine mammal presence and behaviour around offshore structures, potential impacts of noise on marine mammals, noise measurement and modelling of ADDs, drilling operations, etc., and even foraging ecology of bats!
OSC have employed a wide range of oceanographical instruments, such as sediment samplers, Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) probes, Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs), turbidity meters, etc. to provide information specific to the marine environment at our location of interest.
OSC owns and operates two survey vessels MV Orca and MV Thor. Both vessels are general purpose and can be adapted for various uses, including marine mammal and bird surveys, crew transfers, safety, diving, wildlife watching, and fishing. MV Orca is stored in OSC’s warehouse in the coastal town of Dunbar. The vessel is available to mobilise anywhere in Europe at short notice. MV Thor is based out of Liverpool’s Albert Dock.
Ocean Science Consulting Greece Limited
1 Arkadias Street, 19443,
Agia Marina/Agios Dimitrios,
East Attiki (near Athens),
37.8147285N, 23.863746 E
Ocean Science Consulting Limited
Spott Road
East Lothian, EH42 1RR
Scotland, UK
Ocean Science Consulting (Asia-Pacific) Limited
191 Thorndon Quay
Level 3, Pipitea
Wellington 6011
New Zealand